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Niacinamide 10% + zinc

Product Reviews/Reviews

by Titani 2020. 8. 31. 17:00


So, I love Niacinamide! I only started using a niacinamide serum around a year ago, however, niacinamide is to be found in a lot of moisturizers, so you are probably already using it without knowing it.  Niacinamide truly gives you that glow and it helps your skin to control its oil production, so for someone with oily skin I must say this is a must-have, niacinamide has also been found to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and brighten dark spots. The zinc in this product is also super great since zinc really helps reducing acne and inflammation. This is one of the only niacinamide serums I have tried, but I am looking to explore more of these serums since I am pretty new to the niacinamide game. Another nice thing about this product is that it is really affordable.


Niacinamide 10% + zinc – The Ordinary

This niacinamide serum is one of the first serums I started using, I have used it for a long time by now, and it truly has helped fatten my dark spots after a breakout, and it is also proved that zinc helps getting rid of acne, however, I personally am on my last bottle of this product currently since I have decided to try another niacinamide, this one has worked well for me but it does dry me out and I already have dry enough skin, but it will work great for someone with oily skin, so if you have oily skin I highly recommend this serum. Also, on top of it being a great serum, it is affordable in general the ordinaries products are very affordable. As I mentioned I use this one in the night because I use vitamin c in the daytime. The link for this product will be linked below

The Ordinary:

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