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Soon Jung sleeping mask

Product Reviews/Reviews

by Titani 2020. 9. 3. 17:00


So I was struggling with my skin, it was drier than the dry, worst part is it was my own fault, I used the wrong moisturizer for my skin, I used a gel-type moisturizer although I was aware of that my skin is dry and a gel-type is for oily skin, I just saw that it was good for acne-prone skin, but I guess not if you have dry acne-prone skin, so I suffered I woke up every morning with the dries skin ever and I am pretty sure I damaged my moisture barrier a lot because my skin was starting to flake. So I went to my favorite online skincare shop and found myself this beautiful sleeping mask from Soon Jung, however, I must admit there were others I first wanted, but they were out of stock, which probably was a good thing because this one ended up being my all-time favorite mask, It saved my dry skin, since I started using it I have not even 1 single day woken up with dry skin, it is still nice and hydrated when I wake up, and it helped fix my moisture barrier as well so my skin is no longer flaking off, I don´t have to apply a moisturizer several times a day and the best part is it did not make my breakout! My biggest fear with buying new products is that one of them will make me breakout. However, this one didn´t at all, on top of that it is fragrance-free and essential oil-free so if you are sensitive to those it is great, I personally am, so I aim for not having fragrance or essential oils in my skincare, even if you are not sensitive towards those things this is a great product if you have dry skin or if you for some reason have done something that has made your skin dehydrated, this might be your new holy grail sleeping mask. I also must add it is super thick, I mean thicker than thick, I personally really like that because my skin is as dry as it is, so I like being able to feel that it doesn´t just sink in and disappear in no time, I like being able to feel how hydrated it made my skin. I will link where I bought this product below, I will also be adding a coupon code so you can save a bit money on it.



Coupon code: JOSE1234 

I also have this link you can use instead of the coupon code, the link might save you a bit more money:

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