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How to know if you have normal skin

Skin Types/Normal

by Titani 2020. 8. 29. 03:47


Let me just start with saying how lucky you are if you have normal skin, it is only the skin everyone dreams of having! Now when that is said let me say beware of this you might have normal skin now, but it can change when you get older, most people with normal skin are younger people, however some a lucky enough to have it all lifelong.

This will be a short one since there is not much to say about normal skin, other than you are blessed and can almost use any product you want without breaking out or getting a rash. But you should still stick to having a nice routine since you will still age like everyone else and your skin might change as time passes, people with normal skin does tend to get dry skin when they get older.


Here is how to know if you have normal skin:

-          No or few imperfections (how lucky you are)

-          No severe sensitivity

-          Barely visible pores

-          Radiant complexion


So, although you can see you are extremely lucky, I still hope you have a nice skincare routine, and also think about how many people who are so jealous of your amazing skin type, so appreciate it.

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