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Which supplements I take to improve my skin and why

Skin Health Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 2. 02:00


So, I don´t actually take a lot of supplements, I prefer eating my nutrition. However, I do take a few supplements, which are good.

1.     Multivitamin – this is one I have always been taking, ever since I was a child my parents have made sure I got my multivitamin.

2.     Zinc - so taking zinc is pretty new for me, I haven´t always been taking these, but I figured they work on my skin nicely.

3.     Vitamin C – so there is vitamin C in my multivitamin, but if you don´t have it in yours or you don´t take a multivitamin I suggest at least taking vitamin C supplements.

4.     Omega 3 - so personally I don´t take these, because I do eat a lot of fish so for me, it is not necessary, but if you don´t eat a lot of omega 3 rich food then you should take them.

5.     Iron - I don´t take Iron but really, I should and so should you, especially if you are a female, we just need more iron since we lose a lot on our monthly cycle.

Probiotics – I don´t take these because they are expensive, so I just try to eat some food rich in probiotics every day, but If you want to spend the money of them it is great, I wish I had the money to do so. But if you don´t just try yogurt with lots of probiotics, it is basically the only dairy you should eat if you have acne. 


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