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Why you should not self-tan

Skin Health Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 10. 02:00


Self-tanning contains something called DHA which can be damaging in several ways, if you want to know more about how self-tanning can be harming to your skin keep reading, but fear not self-tanning lowers there are ways to make is safer, I will also talk about those.


Using self-tanner increases free radical production, these are highly reactive molecules that attack the cell structure and degrade collagen and elastin fibers. If you go out in the sun after having applied self-tanner, you will be exposed to even more molecules, since UV rays make DHA more unstable.

The free radical released by DHA causes oxidative stress that speeds up skin aging so you will get fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and sagging. Regular use of self-tanner can also reduce your body´s vitamin D. this can be a big problem because vitamin D is needed to keep our bones, muscles, and teeth healthy.

For some people, self-tanner may even cause skin irritation and a weakened skin barrier. However, if you really do feel like you need to use self-tanner, there are ways to make it safer for you. Apply it only in the night since there are no UV rays, it will lower the free radical damage by a lot.

Also, in the daytime remember to protect your skin from the sun, wear your sunscreen and keep reapplying it every 3rd hour. In your morning or evening routine incorporate an antioxidant, such as vitamin c serum and niacinamide.

Don´t use it too often, less Is more try to reduce it to a minimum, you can use it to special occasions if you feel like you look better tanned, personally I just think you should love the skin color you have. You can also try to replace your self-tanner with a body bronzer, it will look exactly as good as a self-tanner, but it will be washed off in the shower.

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