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Most misleading toner I have ever tried

Product Reviews/Reviews

by Titani 2020. 9. 17. 02:00


As promised, I would write about the SOME BY MI - AHA, BHA, PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner, and I honestly don´t know where to start with this product, but first things first I used this product for a bit over 2 months, I used it just like you use a normal toner 2 times a day after using an essence, was this smart? No, it was a big mistake, but I guess I just trusted the product which you really should not do, especially not with this toner because it gave me some nasty chemical burns and it made my skin super dehydrated! It took me such a long time to fix y skin after using this toner and in combination with this toner, I also used their cleanser, if you have not read my review on the cleanser from this line I will link it below so you can read it.

Now let´s get into why I find this product insanely misleading, why I did not like it, and why it chemical burned my skin and dehydrated it. So I do not consider this product a toner at all, it is more a chemical exfoliator, which is exactly why it chemically burned my skin because you should not use a chemical exfoliator every day twice a day, it will chemically burn your skin and dehydrate your skin. On top of that, I also used the cleanser which also exfoliated my skin! I consider this product a chemical exfoliator because it contains AHA, BHA, and PHA, which is normally what a chemical exfoliator would contain, not a toner also it does not need to contain all 3 things, but I guess they try to target more than just blackheads. But don´t use it every day please just use it 1 time a week and not with the cleanser.

Now listen this product does claim to be a 30-day miracle product and it is not, it will no magically clear your skin after 30 days, it can make your skin better, but it will not clear it, it surely did not clear my skin it only chemically burned it and dehydrated it which probably just gave me more acne but maybe if you use it in the right way which is considering it to be a chemical exfoliator instead of considering it a toner then it may be able to help clear your skin a bit but I am sure it will not clear it completely you will need other product maybe even professional treatments depending on how bad your acne is or I suggest taking a look at your diet, I can link my post about foods you should not eat or at least not eat a lot of if you want to get rid of your acne. In the end, I do not recommend this product because I find it super misleading but if you do want to try it out I will have it linked below so you can take a look on it and see if it is for you, if you decided to buy it I do recommend you follow my instructions, not theirs.

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