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Morning Skincare routine for oily skin

Skin Types/Oily

by Titani 2020. 9. 18. 17:04


I now made a routine for people with oily skin, I will also later make a routine for the other skin types, but this time I choose to focus on oily skin, I have learned from many of my friends who has oily skin that it can be a struggle to figure out a routine, so here I will give you my take on what I think you should be doing.  

1.     Cleanser.

So, unlike the other skin types, people with oily skin should wash their faces every morning, because if you have oily skin your skin produces more oil and that oil can clog your pores and trigger a breakout. I recommend you use a gel cleanser since it is not harsh on your skin.

2.     Exfoliation.

Oily skin is extra prone to have a lot of dead skin cells build up, blackheads, and clogged pores, so exfoliation is important, I recommend a chemical exfoliator since I think a physical exfoliator is way too harsh on the skin. I recommend only doing this 1-2 times a week. You can also choose to do this step in your evening routine instead, whatever you prefer.  

3.     Toner.

Toners are there to prepare your skin for the next step, careful to pick a toner which fits your skin type, but never and I repeat never use a toner with high alcohol content! but toner is not completely necessary, it´s just a nice extra step to have in my opinion.

4.     Essence.

Again, choose an essence which fits your skin type, it is still not a necessary step, it is just a nice little extra layer of hydration, and oily skin does need hydration also some essence is nice and calming for oily/acne-prone skin, in that case, go for a mugwort essence they are great for oily skin.

5.     Serums/Ampoules.

Again, choose a serum made for your skin type and target your skin concerns, you can get serums and ampoules for any concern, so pick some specific for your skin concerns.  

6.     Moisturizer (and eye cream)

Moisturizer is important no matter which skin type you have, but I recommend someone with oily skin choose a gel moisturizer and is super light and absorbs quickly. Normally I think eye cream is a waste of money but for oily skin, it can be a good thing to have, because you want something with more hydration under the eye. But overall an eye cream is the same as a normal moisturizer.  

7.     Sunscreen.

Sunscreen should be a part of everyone's routine, whenever you have oily skin or not, it is so important, so no matter what wear your SPF, I cannot say enough how important it is. And before you say well there is SPF in my foundation/BB cream so I don´t need sunscreen, well yes you do need it, the amount you would have to wear of foundation/BB cream to get protection enough would be ridicules. But I recommend you choose a very light sunscreen; I recommend the one from purito it is great for oily skin. I will link it below if you are interested in purchasing it.

Yesstyle purito sunscreen:

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