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Ole Henriksen

Product Reviews/Reviews

by Titani 2020. 10. 1. 17:22


As a Dane myself I can´t do anything else than admiring how Ole Henriksen´s brand has made it out and into the world, I have seen people from all over the world posting and talking about his products, and I truly think it is amazing. But what would my opinion be on his products?  

I must admit overall, I don´t like them, I have not tried all of them, but I have tried a few of them. At the beginning of the corona pandemic, I got stuck in Denmark with my family for a long time and I just ordered new products on YesStyle because I was running out, so I eventually ran out, in conclusion, what does a girl do? I bored some of my mum´s skincare until I could get the skincare I was missing back in my routine. And my mum had spoken so highly about these Ole Henriksen products. First of all, she used the banana bright eye cream, the good night glow sleeping mask, and the truth serum. I ended up trying all of them and I didn´t like any of them, they irritated my skin a lot, my skin got so red and it broke me out, now I know it is because the products are highly fragranced and I have very sensitive skin, neither or less my skin was a mess afterward, luckily I found some cerave on the pharmacy, cerave is always what saves me when I run out of a product or a product does not go well with my skin so I have to wait for a new one to arrive, that is when I use cerave, because I know my skin can tolerate it. But I do want to say those products did work really well for my mum´s skin, my mum has super strong and good skin, she never in her entire lift had a breakout, so if you have skin like her, it might be fine for you to use, but for me with sensitive skin, it was for sure a no go, so I would say if you have sensitive skin stay away from this brand they do use a lot of fragrance. Now also these products are really pricy in my opinion, so if you are trying to budget it is probably not for you either.

Now let me get into the one product I actually really like from Ole Henriksen, so it launched after I tried these products, but I believe I was still stuck in Denmark, but I don´t remember. The product I like is the banana bright vitamin c serum, it really is a good vitamin c and I really actually enjoy using it, this product does not contain fragrance, so my skin age’s just fine with it. For me a good vitamin c has always been a bit of a struggle to find, I did use the juicy drops from klairs and I fairly enjoyed them, but they just didn´t do the trick for me, so I must admit I prefer the one from Ole Henriksen, now again this product is a bit pricy, but normally a vitamin c is on the pricier side and I find it okay to spend a bit extra on a product which I like, also it did last me for a long time, I think 1 bottle has lasted me 4 months, which is great, anyhow I will be reviewing this product later on, so I don´t want to talk too much about now.

In conclusion the brand was overall not for me, but if you don´t have sensitive skin and you are willing to spend the money on it, go ahead, as I said it worked just fine for my mum. And again I am proud to see a Dane get his name out there in the beauty community even if I am not crazy about the products.

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