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Bamboo Pillowcase update

Product Reviews/Reviews

by Titani 2020. 9. 27. 02:19


As promised, I am giving an updated review on the bamboo pillow, since my first review was more or less the first impression. If you have not met read my first review you can head over and read that one before you read this one or afterward, it may be very helpful as well. however now when I have used this in a while I can truly see whenever it has helped with my hair condition and my skin. Now let's head into the review.

Now first things first, just so we are clear here your hair can get damaged from a normal pillowcase while you sleep on it, it can cause breakage, and so on. also a normal pillowcase can be harsh on your skin as well you may notice that you wake up with pillow marks on your face from time to time, or you wake up with extra dry skin on the side you slept on or you tend to get breakouts on the side you sleep on. I always got my breakouts on the side I slept on, even when I changed my pillowcase to a clean one every day to try to avoid getting breakouts, nothing helped. But when I started using this pillowcase the breakouts stopped, I think it could be because it is less ruff on my skin and it is antibacterial, which is great for my sensitive skin and hair. I do see a giant difference on my hair, my hair is not tangled when I wake up, my hair looks and feels a lot healthier than it did before, so I must say I really love this pillowcase a lot, I don´t think I can ever go back to using a normal pillowcase again, because it truly made such a big difference in my skin and hair, so I highly recommend getting it if you consider doing so. Now to a few details, you can get this pillowcase in pink and white, as you can see I bought the white one, but I since then did order a pink one, I just had to get it, I also did order their bamboo towel and it is so soft and nice seems to be a lot more gentle on my hair, but I will write a review on that a bit later on. I will link the link for this pillowcase below if you are interested in buying it.

Hairlust bamboo pillowcase:



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