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Haircare tips

Hair Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 22. 02:00


As I have gotten older I have become more and more interested in hair care, I have throughout my entire life washed and conditioned my hair, which is good but that is basically all I did, so my hair was kind of dry and not really as shiny and healthy as I wanted it to be. So, the past year I have been taking a big interest in hair care just like I have a big interest in skincare, I mean if your skin looks good you also want your hair to look good right?

So now let´s come to as to how I take care of my hair and what I do to make it shiny and healthy-looking.

Wash with lukewarm water

Washing with super-hot water might feel relaxing, but that super-hot relaxing water strips your hair of essential oils, which will leave your hair looking and feeling dry and dull. Next time you shower try with lukewarm water it will get you clean, and it will be much better for your hair and also skin, so it is a win-win. As you see the hot water is not worth it, no matter how relaxing it might be.  

Shampoo correctly

This one sounds crazy to most people, it also seemed crazy to me in the beginning, but trust me it will help your hair a lot. Shampoo only on your scalp, since washing the lengths and the ends can strip the strands of their moisture and cause them to look boring, dull, and dry. Your scalp is where you produce all of the oil in the area that really needs the cleansing, so when you shampoo just focus on your scalp.

Condition correctly

So now after you read how to shampoo correctly now, I am going to tell you how to condition correctly. Don´t apply conditioner on your roots, since all of the oil is produced on your scalp, so only condition the lengths and the ends, those are the parts which really needs it. And make sure you keep your conditioner in for 5 minutes, remember 5 minutes is a lot longer than you think.

Don´t dry your hair with a towel

A towel seems like the most obvious way to remove excess water and start drying your hair after a shower, but it is not the best way to do it. Squeeze the excess water out of your hair but be gentle! And then use an old cotton T-shirt since it is a lot gentler than a towel.

Take a break from ponytails

We all find ponytails easy to do, to take your hair away from your face. But is it the best for your hair? No not really it puts a strain on your locks which is not that great for your hair in the long run. So, try to wear your hair down more often. I personally don´t like wearing ponytails at all, my hair is too heavy for it, so it hurts when I wear a ponytail. If you want to wear it often try making a lower looser ponytail and pick a hair tie that is gentle on your hair.

Your Scalp needs care as well

Think about it, your scalp Is skin too, it is actually an extension of your face. Just like you exfoliate your skin, you should also exfoliate your scalp, I recommend doing it 1-2 times a week, just like you do with your face.

Use silk or a bamboo pillowcase 

I personally use a bamboo pillow, since it is cheaper and cruelty-free, so it is a great option for vegans and people like me who wants a bit cheaper and cruelty-free option. But if you have the money and you really want silk, I say just go for it, silk is also great, and it is easier to find than the bamboo pillowcase. Using it will be much gentler for your hair since it will be much gentler on the hair strands and also on your skin, so again a win-win.  

Shield your hair from the UV rays

The sun can damage your skin, but it can also damage your hair, so protect your hair and skin from the sun by wearing a hat. I also suggest wearing a UV-protecting hair spray, I personally started using one this year and it has helped so much!

Cut your spilt ends

No matter how much you take care of your hair, at some points, you will get spilt ends, and just go ahead and trim those off, I personally do it myself with a small scissor, but if I need a bigger trim I of course visit a hairdresser.

Don´t brush wet hair

Do not brush dry wet hair, your hair strands are more vulnerable when they are wet, so don´t brush it before it is dry.

Don´t dry your hair with the hairdryer every day

So personally, I have never been the one to do this, but dot dry it with the hairdryer every day I would say refrain from doing it unless you have to go out that day. Since the heat from the hairdryer does damage the hair. In case you want to style your hair with the hairdryer put in some heat protection.

Refrain from using styling tools too often

With styling tools, I mean hair straighteners and curlers, again the heat from these tools can really damage your hair in the long run, you can end up with hair that looks and feels dead. So, try not to use them too often, and when you use them, use heat protection and only style if completely dry! As mentioned wet hair is more vulnerable.

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