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I tried a scalp scrub

Hair Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 25. 17:00


I used to overlook hair care a lot, but one day I suddenly started caring, I don´t know why I started caring it just suddenly hit me, I got my skin the way I always wanted it to look like, but now I am just not satisfied with my hair, I want my hair to look as good as my skin does, every part of me should look as good as possible. It started with my getting a hair mask, I already had used a hair mask in the past, but the one I started using now just loved at first use, I truly felt a difference in my hair, then after that, I went back to this brands website and I saw a scalp scrub and I was intrigued, I started researching about scalps scrubs and if I needed one or not, if they did something or not, I went into a complete rabbit hole, and in the end, I decided yes I need a scalp scrub! Now let me tell you why in my review.

Scalp scrub - Hairlust

HairLust Hair & Scalp Detox Scrub contains 200 ml. It feels refreshing, it is an organic scalp scrub for a dry, oily, itchy, or exposed scalp that gently and effectively cleanses in-depth, so product residues, dandruff, dirt, and sebum are removed. Suitable for both men and women. Content of organic extracts. from acai, mint, and oats have a nourishing and stimulating effect on the scalp, while the exfoliating grains from apricot kernels cleanse in depth. My hair really feels soft after using this scalp scrub, my scalp does actually feel refreshed. However I should be all honest here and if I am honest I must admit I actually don´t like the mint smell of this product, I think it is because I know mint is not good for the facial skin so the smell of mint in products scares me, but I don´t think the mint in this product does any harm, at least not as far as I know. Also, note I do have sensitive dry skin, but I could still use this scalp scrub, but it will be even better with someone who has oily skin and therefore also an oily scalp, it will help on the sebum and all the dirt that builds up on your scalp. my scalp does feel less dry, so that is great! If you are interested in this product, I will leave the link for it below. I also will mention it is vegan a cruelty-free which is super great!


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