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Sleep and skin

Skin Health Care

by Titani 2020. 10. 2. 02:51


We have all heard the words beauty sleep and now let me tell you it is a literal thing, so if you are someone who does not get your beauty sleep and likes to stay up all night long to play games or watch Netflix, even though you can get your beauty sleep, you might consider to quit that bad habit and get your beauty sleep after you read this.

Sleep gives your skin time to recover from damage and inflammation

When you sleep your whole-body rests and that includes your skin. If we don´t get enough rest our skin can´t repair itself from its damage and inflammation. Lack of sleep can interfere with wound healing and even promote inflammation in the skin, and it can even lead to breakouts.

When you don´t sleep enough your skin can lose water and become drier

The outermost layer of skin acts as a safeguard against excessive water loss but when you don´t sleep enough it may not be possible for your skin to do so sleep deprivation decreases the barrier function of the skin, so there's more water loss when you don't sleep, this water loss can obviously make your skin drier.

Your skin may begin to lose some of its thickness when you don´t sleep enough

Sleep deprivation can decrease your growth-hormone levels. The human body growth hormone during the first few hours of sleep gets adequate, so if you don´t get enough sleep your body can´t produce enough of this.

Lack of sleep may cause eye redness and under-eye circles

This is something we all probably know, if you don´t sleep enough you will get dark under eyes and red eyes Although dark circles may be partially caused by genetics (veins beneath the eyes are usually more visible on people with lighter skin), sleep deprivation can exacerbate them since it can cause the pooling of blood in under-eye vessels. Pooled fluid can also cause puffiness.  

It has also been proved that poor sleep quality can make your look older than you are, a routine which lacks rest can increase signs of intrinsic aging, meaning your skin will be more lined and will make the skin a lot looser  

When I am saying is get your beauty sleep, it actually matters a lot, even if you are young it matters because later on, it will show you did not get your sleep when you were younger.


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