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Let´s talk about hyaluronic acid

Skin Health Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 25. 02:17


I have for a while noticed a lot of people are really enjoying to use hyaluronic acid also known as HA, I personally don´t use It since it makes my skin react in a really weird way, so it is not for me personally, somehow let´s find out what hyaluronic acid actually do and what it is good for.

HA can make your skin look plumper looking and therefore make fine lines less obvious, it makes your skin look all glowy and beautiful. You can find HA in a lot of things as in serums, masks, and even injections.

HA is a sugar found naturally in our skin it holds water and helps our skin looking hydrated and plump. There are ways for us to stimulate the production of HA in our bodies, as I mentioned in another post on my blog diet truly affects the skin a lot eating a diet with a lot of veggies and fruits helped inflammation and over time the skin helps retain it.  

Ha is a powerful humectant. When it is used in skincare such as creams and serums HA brings the moisture to the surface of your skin, because of its ability to draw and hold water, therefore it can be used as a humectant in your routine. It will keep your skin nice and hydrated throughout the entire day, a dream for someone with dry skin am I, right?

If you check the ingredient list on your current skincare you might discover that maybe a few of your products contain HA. And now if you feel like you have to go out and get more products with HA in, you don´t have to do so if you use 1 product containing it you are all set, it is such a powerful ingredient that really only 1 product containing it is enough for your skin to stay hydrated, young and dewy looking all day.

HA can be paired with almost all ingredients it can even be paired with peels, retinol, acids, and vitamins. The only exception is acids with a low pH level such as glycolic acid because it can make HA ineffective.

Now how is HA used in injectables you may ask? Maybe you even already have had some injectables with HA. Injectables like restylane (botox) uses a gel form of HA to add volume to the dermal layer of your skin, the gel plumps sunken areas of your skin to smoothen fine lines and also decrease shadows. It will of course dissolve again over the course of a year. To inject HA only has a few small side effects such as swelling and bruising which only last a few days, Ha is safe to inject into our body because our body already contains HA, so if you consider getting some injections fear not it is safe for you to get it. I personally have never tried it myself, but I have talked to peoples who have, and they said they only had a small bruise afterward and it only took 3-4 days before it was gone. Anyhow now you know a bit more about HA.

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