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How does your skin benefit from Omega3

Skin Health Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 27. 17:39


When I decided to start taking omega 3, I researched for a while what it can do for your skin because I am always a bit iffy about starting to take new supplements because it potentially can make me break out, and that is the last thing I want to happen, but still, I decided to give omega 3 a shot, and here is why.

1.     It May protect your skin against sun damage

Omega 3s may protect against the sun´s harmful UV-rays. It has been proven that omega-3s long-chain DHA and EPA may reduce the skin sensitive to the UV-rays.  

2.     It may reduce acne  

So, this is what made me believe it would not make me break out, since it could help with reducing acne.

It has been proven that a diet rich in omega 3 may help prevent or even reduce acne. Omega-3 has been proven to reduce inflammation and evidence shows that acne primarily is caused by inflammation, that is also why people with acne benefits from using anti-inflammatory skincare products. However I have to be honest here, when I first took omega-3 it made me break out, and I learned that some omega-3 can potentially make you break out, but if you find the right one everything will be fine, I was just really unlucky, but just note if you start breaking out around the same time you started taking omega-3 you should go out and find another brand of omega-3.

3.     Can help get rid of dry, red, or itchy skin.

This was a deal-breaker for me since I have very dry and sensitive skin, so I deal with this kind of issue very often. It is proven that omega-3 can moisturize your skin and fight redness and itchiness. And that is because omega-3 appears to improve the skin barrier function, sealing in moisture and keeping out irritation.  

4.     May boost hair growth, so not a lot of studies have been made of this, but there is a little chance of omega-3 promote hair growth.

In general, I do want to mention I personally feel like not enough studies have been made of a lot of things in the skincare community, whenever it is supplements or skincare products in general, I have realized this while I have done to research to see whenever something is worth it or not. However, I still recommend you give omega-3 a shot, since it is not damaging at all, and getting enough omega-3 is always a good thing since it is healthy for a lot of things, there is just not a lot of research on what it can do for your skin exactly. If you want to know what else it is good for, go ahead and research it, because I highly recommend you start taking omega 3, even if you are a bit scared to take it, like I was.

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