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Skin sins you have to stop committing

Skin Health Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 13. 17:00


Here we go again with the skin sins, maybe you are committing one of these sins, are you? if so, stop doing it right now and right here, your skin will thank you right now and right here.

1.      Using makeup wipes. I think you should stop using these completely for several reasons. They are bad for the environment since they create a huge waste. And they don´t remove your makeup well at all, they actually just smudge it around on your face.

2.      Not using moisturizer, so this one is especially for people with oily skin who think they don´t have to use moisturizer, but yes you have to use it not using it will actually just make your skin produce more oil because you don´t hydrate it well.

3.      Over exfoliating, this is something a lot of people are doing, especially people with acne but let me tell you, you are not going to get rid of your acne by over-exfoliating you are just going to dehydrate your skin and it will make everything worse.

4.      Forgetting your neck. The neck is as important as your face, imagine you get old and you have not done your skincare in your neck at all and your neck has loose skin and wrinkles all over your neck, but your face is perfectly fine, that would look a bit weird right? So, whatever you do to your face, remember to do it to your neck as well

5.      Not taking care of your lips, your lips also needs care, remember to apply some lip balm, it is important to make sure your lips are hydrated.  


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