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You need to stop doing these Skin sins

Skin Health Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 12. 02:00


Yes, you read the title, skin sins are back, I have really been in the mood for skin sins the past couple of days, I don´t know why but I find them weirdly entertaining, and I hope someone learns something from it because I know a lot of people commit these sins if you are one of the people who commit one of these skin sins it is time to change now.


1.     Not moisturizing oily skin. Well if you have oily skin yes you do need to still moisturize, it is important that you do it no matter which skin type you have. If you have oily skin and you don´t moisturize your skin will become dehydrated and produce more oil so it will get even oilier.

2.     Relying on products to undo/prevent damage. So, there are many amazing products out there, but they cannot make up for the damage you do, excessive exposure to sun and pollution, stress, smoking, not drinking enough water, drinking too much alcohol, and eating too much sugar. These are all things good skincare can´t fix.

3.     Investing in the wrong products, in this case, you have to learn expensive it not always better, sometimes when you buy expensive products you just pay for the brand and nothing else, I can only say tern and learn, know what you put on your face.

4.     Using bar soap/body wash/products not formulated for the face. Please for the love of everything good in the world don´t do this! A thing which are not formulated for the face often does contain ingredients that can clog your pores and also your face skin is more sensitive than the skin on your body so it can contain ingredients that can irritate your skin.

Not paying attention to your neck and chest. Imagine having a flawless face, but then your neck and just is looking like a raisin, that is not what you want is it? so remember the neck and chest as well.

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