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Let's talk about Niacinamide and Vitamin C

Skin Health Care

by Titani 2020. 9. 18. 02:00


So, I have for a long time been using both ingredients in my daily skincare routine, mostly for the brightening benefits and because they make my SPF more functional. I as any other person who has suffered or still suffers from acne get dark spots after having had a pimple, and these help me get rid of that dark spot faster. It also helps with hyperpigmentation, so if you deal with that start using niacinamide and vitamin c right now. To the rest of you keep reading you will also get a reason as to why you should be using these ingredients in your daily skincare routine.


So niacinamide is a fairly new ingredient compared to vitamin c and vitamin a, people tend to only give attention to those ingredients how niacinamide has as many benefits as both of them do. The key to a good skincare routine is layering products, most of us know that by now, however, be cautious not all products can be combined.


Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B-B3. It is in the same vein is vitamin c, niacinamide is a power ingredient when it comes to signs of aging since it can soften fine lines and reduce hyperpigmentation and sallowness, which is amazing.


What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is pure ascorbic acid, it is a naturally occurring antioxidant that helps protect your skin from UV damage, it also helps to reduce hyperpigmentation and it can also increase collagen production, so there really is no reason as to why you would not use a Vitamin C, even if you have super perfect skin you should consider to use a Vitamin C, however, I will say make sure you buy a stabilized form of Vitamin C since one that is not stabilized can be really hard to store since it easily can go bad. Also, Vitamin C is a pricy product so really take your time to decide which one you want to invest in.


What is Niacinamide?

Niacinamide is a water-soluble vitamin which is also known as a nicotinic amide. Amide is a vitamin B3. It can also be found in meats, mushrooms, and nuts, that´s why it is said almonds and walnuts are good for your skin. Niacinamide is also sometimes taken as supplements since it can help treat acne, I tried some of those years ago, sadly there was something in the product I was allergic to so I could not keep taking them. Niacinamide is a good anti-aging ingredient since it helps with the skin's elasticity and increases levels of fatty acids in the skin.


Can they be combined?

I was always taught they can´t be combined because combining them creates something called Niacin, which is a yellow solution that can cause flushing, tingling and turn your skin yellow, yikes that is not something you want. Well it is partly true, but it actually only creates Niacin if exposed to a very high temperature for a longer time period, so if you live in a hot country maybe don´t combine them or at least only use them together in the evening time. But if you combine them, they can actually be very effective. But honestly, I don´t combine them I am way to scared to end up with yellow irritated skin.

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